Showers, Decks & Balconies
Leaking showers, decks, balconies and flat roofs can all be the cause of serious damp ingress into your home. We do all the needed repairs in order to prevent any re-occurrence.
Speak to us about permanent repairs to leaking Showers, Decks & Balconies.
Leaking Showers
Closely related to leaking decks are leaking showers. It is seldom that a damp wall on the outside of the shower is caused by leaking plumbing. Mostly, the lateral damp on the outer walls of the shower is caused by either:
A leaking trap,
A lack of initial waterproofing,
The breakdown of the incorrect initial waterproofing.
Generally, we need to remove the existing tiles, waterproofing and floor base of the shower and replace the trap. Once we replace the trap, we caste a new waterproof base, then waterproof the floor before finally re-tiling.
Should the shower frame or the wall tiles also be a problem, this is quoted for separately in each specific case.
Leaking Decks and Balconies
Leaking decks, balconies, flat roofs and parapets can all be the cause of serious ingress into the house. We remove all compromised waterproofing and ascertain why it failed and what appropriate remedial action is required for the type and nature of the specific ingress. We do all the needed repairs to prevent the re-occurrence such as correcting amount and size of outlets, screed the areas to the correct fall and tanking points of ingress. We also re-tile and make good all areas worked on.
Our Treatment & Repair Process explained:
We remove all tiles, existing waterproofing and screed, down to the exposed concrete slab. Depending on the condition and nature of the slab, and our treatment approach includes:
We repair all cracks with Sika expanding crack repairing grout; seal all expansion joints with polyurethane flexible joint filler;
We also correct the slope by screeding to fall; increase the number of, or enlarge the size of the outlets off the deck, if so required;
On a deck with a lot of movement, we would need to do torch-on. We remove 100mm plaster at the base of the wall and take the torch-on up the wall against the exposed bricks. We then plaster back the 100mm over the torch-on, so that no edges of the new waterproofing is exposed to UV sunlight. This can be directly tiled on with a special adhesive unless the slope needs to be corrected with a new corrective screed.
We do, however, strongly recommend doing the waterproofing with a cementitious latex compound system wherever possible, as it is far more robust and durable. The deck would determine which option is most suitable. This system can be tiled or painted.
“We are fully trained and up-to-date in all the latest techniques of damp proofing.
We get it right the first time.“

George, Western Cape